Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Copybase and PSCA

The copy of a database is one of the tasks of a PS admin : to reinit a database from a reference database, to test bundle for example.
But some tasks mustn't be forget.

PSCA - PeopleSoft Change Assistant - is the new assistant to manage upgrade since 8.4x PeopleTools.
Before it was PSUA - PeopleSoft Upgrade Assistant - which was more a informational guide rather than a real assistant.
Since 8.4x PeopleTools, this new tool is very nice to help in bundles/patches/fix installation, there is only few manual tasks.
PSCA work by PS_HOME and by database. He needs a unique identifier into database, this is GUID column from PSOPTIONS table.
This field, not nullable, is initialize on start of the application server only if he's blank value.
So, after a copy of database, DON'T forget to update this field, without what, PSCA will not see your database in your environment, and you will lose some of time to search why...
SQL> select guid from psoptions;


SQL> update psoptions set guid= ' ';

1 row updated.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

Here I restart the appserver,
then :
SQL> select guid from psoptions;


We will see later that there are some of update after a copy of database, this one today, is only one of these tasks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Nicolas,
In fact GUID is very important like ID for Oracle Database. For me the best practice when you cloning a peoplesoft environment is to
,GUID =' '

then, like you said, the appserv startup set a new GUID.

And next for the Oracle Database, the NID set a new database identification number

Best regards